<![CDATA[Dr Portia Zheng, Acupuncturist, TCM Doctor - Dr Zheng's Blog]]>Thu, 02 Feb 2023 06:05:44 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[Blog Post #2]]>Mon, 29 Oct 2012 08:02:20 GMThttp://portiazheng.com/dr-zhengs-blog/3Why I Take The First Consultation So Seriously, and Why Patients should Too!! 
After my first consultation, my patients are usually very satisfied and surprised! Satisfied because they have an understanding into the root causes of their disease, especially in some cases, where Western Medicine has failed to diagnose them at all. After such misdiagnosis by Western methods, the patient suffered, unable to relieve themselves from the pain.Traditional Chinese medicine ususally can give a reasonable argument (interpretation) of the causes. It covers all the diseases that can be interpreted by Western Medicine  with their own reasoning. The reasoning includes psychological factors as well biological factors, allowing the patient to better relate to the problem. Quite a few patients are shocked at the psychological side!  In about one hour of thorough consultation in my clinic, with a solid knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, an outline of the patient's essence, qi and  vital energy picture will form clearly in the back of my mind, and I can tell  the patient what toxic in the body needs to be expelled and what essence is of  lack and needs to be supplied. Through an overall treatment plan of acupuncture  and TCM to adjust the balance....
The better of basic skills in TCM , the  more of clinical experiences, the more time and thoroughly consultation with the  right analysis, the better the treatment . In my opinion, the first consultation is the most important consultation, and through my 40 years of experience, I will most likely provide you with an optimal diagnosis and road to recovery.



满意的是病人对自己为什么会生这种病的根由有所了解,尤其是一些病过去查来查去找不到原因的,最后只能说病人没有病的那种,病人苦于无所办法去获得痛苦的 解脱,而中医却会给您有个合理说法(解释),当然对那些有病名的患者,中医更会给你一个合理说法,这种说法常常与病人的親身感觉十分吻合,这也是病人十分 惊讶的原因! 通过在我诊所里近1小时的详细询问与扦查后,加上我扎实的中医基本功,使我在脑海中会深深形成该病人总体的精、气、神的轮廓,会告诉该病人在身体里什么废 物太多了,需要排出,什么精华在体内不足了,需要補充。会通过一个整体治疗方案去进行针灸与中医治疗的调整。..

<![CDATA[Blog Post #1]]>Mon, 29 Oct 2012 07:56:36 GMThttp://portiazheng.com/dr-zhengs-blog/2Why Would I become a Chinese Medical Doctor after I became a Western MD?
I graduated from a western medical school, and became a MD in a hospital, but then I decided to enter a Traditional Chinese Medicine University and finally became a doctor in Traditional Chinese medicine. People did ask me why I had chosen this path, because in some people's eyes, Chinese medicine was always less popular and I was an outstanding student in the Western Medical University. My interest was stemming from my love and curiosity of mother nature. When I realized people get healed by herbal remedies, I could not hold my desire  to bask in the sun, riding in green fields, picking, collecting and formulating medical treatment. It was a kind of great happiness! The most important point was, I'm afraid , as a young lady as it was, I had a lofty ideal. It was to combine the thousands of years old traditional Chinese medicine and modern western medicine and create a new medical formula! This is certainly a big direction, need many people or the efforts of several generations, and I am willing to pay my effort! In a less lofty note, a doctor have knowledge of both traditional Chinese and Western medicine is of great benefit to a patient! Western medicine can cure some diseases, but not all, some of them cannot even be explained or diagnosed; Chinese medicine can cure some , but also not all, some diagnosis may not be comprehensive. Traditional and Western medicine overcome one's weaknesses and acquire others' strong points, patients who use both kinds of medicine in conjunction can get the benefit of both world. In China, I'm a qualify doctor in both fields, so when I was applying traditional Chinese medicine, in according to the condition , I could also apply the proper method of Western medicine, and it has really improved the quality of my practice, patients also don't have to commute between two hospitals, and I have become a popular doctor among patients. From the point of medical diagnosis, if a doctor has the knowledge of both fields can think more clearly, and understand more thoroughly. In the United States, I lack of my Western medicine weapon in the treatment because of license issue, but in the diagnosis, my patient and I know for sure, I do have my advantages.


我毕业于西医,并成为著名医院的西医师,后来我又专程去中医大学去学了中医,现在却成了 中医师.有人好奇地问我究竟,有人也可惜我走了这条路,因为在某些人眼里中医总是不及西医吃香.而我又是一位西医学校畢业的高材生 说来我也是天生好奇天生热爱大自然,,看到大自然中的花花草草能够治病救人,很想沐浴在阳光下,踏在青绿的田野里,采摘、收集、配方、治病,实属一种快乐 之情! 关键的,恐怕还是年轻时我有这么一点雄心壯志.,就是把几千年的古老中医与现代西医结合起来,创造一个新医学派!这当然是个大方向,需要许多人或是几代人 的努力,我原意为这大方向付上一份心血!小言之,一个医生若有中西医两方面的知识,则病人大大受益!这是我所期望的!西医能治病,但治不了所有的病,更作 不出所有病症的诊断;中医能治病,但也治不了所有的病,有些诊断也不够到位。中西医取长補短,病人该用什么医好,就给病人什么医.。在中国,我是西医师也 是中医师,所以我在用中医时也可以根据病情冈时采用合适的西医方法,,疗效确有提高,病人也不必往返于中医西医两地奔波,..做了受病人欢迎的医师.。. 从病人诊断方面来说,医生若有中西两方面的知识,则会思路更清晰,对病例的认识更为深入。在美国,因为我没有西医执照,因此在治疗上我缺少了西医武器,但 在诊断及病人的各种叙述上我非常心知肚明,对我采用中医治疗上还是高出一手的.

8/11/2020          我真的尽力了!
一幌8年过去了,上次在这里写,是2012 年.很忙碌, 又忘了web增改的方法,、一拖再拖,今天才下决心把这块土壤重新耕耘起来。
今年,是“新冠”肆虐年,我在美国很关心这伤害力较強了传染病。不仅关心中国疫情的動态、献上微薄心意,也连连上訴美国应使用中医中药,报名参加抗疫战斗隊伍,侭管毫無拨力,但却有病人还是相信中医中药的。使我有机会远程治疗了9 例新冠,他们都在一周内获得显效! 同时我根据多年的中西医临床经验率先提出活血化瘀在新冠治疗中的作用及疫気发病机理! 并在全美中医群及世累多个中医群作了这方面学术讲座! 我尽力了!我真的尽力了!
<![CDATA[二医在我的心中]]>Fri, 05 Oct 2012 07:30:26 GMThttp://portiazheng.com/dr-zhengs-blog/1惊震自已已入暮年,回首花样的大学年华却历历在目!



